Royalty-Free Relaxing Music

Just $15.00/mo.

You can download 30 instrumental songs a month for $15.00/mo. There is no initial registration fee.

About fee >>

Use anywhere

You can use music anywhere.
For example, YouTube monetization, Twitch, Podcast, Commercials, and so on.

About YouTube monetization >>

High quality

All music is original live performances by BGMC Records. We are recording every month.

About quality >>

  • Beautiful Reason
    Mr. Smile Maker
    • Music Box
    63 BPM 2:26
  • Rainbow Dream
    Mr. Smile Maker
    • Music Box
    62 BPM 2:23
  • Keep Smiling
    Mr. Smile Maker
    • Music Box
    56 BPM 3:01
  • Greatest Joy
    Mr. Smile Maker
    • Music Box
    63 BPM 2:24
  • Sweet Antidote
    Mr. Smile Maker
    • Music Box
    71 BPM 2:15
  • A Little Miracle
    Mr. Smile Maker
    • Music Box
    72 BPM 2:32
  • Touch Of Heaven
    Mr. Smile Maker
    • Music Box
    80 BPM 2:30
  • Always Remember
    Mr. Smile Maker
    • Music Box
    73 BPM 2:25
  • Melt My Heart
    Mr. Smile Maker
    • Music Box
    60 BPM 2:31
  • Twinkling Stars
    Mr. Smile Maker
    • Music Box
    65 BPM 2:30
  • Smile Euphoria
    Mr. Smile Maker
    • Music Box
    58 BPM 2:27
  • Because Of You
    Mr. Smile Maker
    • Music Box
    58 BPM 2:23
  • Cloudless Sky
    Mr. Smile Maker
    • Music Box
    70 BPM 2:19
  • Gift
    Mr. Smile Maker
    • Music Box
    67 BPM 2:29
  • Happy Smile
    Mr. Smile Maker
    • Music Box
    56 BPM 2:25

What is BGMC?

BGMC Records is a record label that produces and provides music to the world.
We currently have about 30 million monthly views on YouTube, meaning that our music has been played for approximately 2,800 years long worth.

We have a monthly recording session that has produced over 8,000 music selections. Our music is used in countries all over the world including TV commercials, movies, photo exhibitions, educational institutions, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, beauty salons, cafes, company receptionists, sundries shops, real estate companies, and shops.

BGMC Records made this website to provide its music for your video productions. We consider that music should be freely available to anybody.

We hope that our borderless music will give everyone who creates videos bright and beautiful experiences every day.